Who Our Courses Are For

Participating in courses created at the Aspen Center for Human Development requires a high level of commitment and intellectual effort, and should only be undertaken by those who are willing to confront whatever is necessary to examine their lives and leadership with rigor and candor.

Our courses are only for people who are willing and able to fully participate in and complete all of the course sessions and all of the assignments, and are committed to transformative discovery in areas that matter to them.

  • A recent study by the Stanford Graduate School of Business Center for Leadership Development and Research concluded that nearly 100% of CEOs would like leadership coaching, but almost two-thirds do not receive any.1 Our leadership courses are ideal for people seeking coaching in their leadership.

  • When asked to rate the most important area for their own personal development, nearly 43% of CEOs rated ‘conflict management skills’ highest.2 Our courses are recommended for people who are interested in effectively leading people or communicating with people who hold conflicting positions.

“...what really excites me is the prospect of a stronger link between
practitioners and academics, so we can apply the research we’ve done
and shape the research we need to do.
Together, we can simplify reality without distorting it
and uncover the social laws that we don’t yet understand
but shape our world.”

Michael G. Jacobides “What Managers Really Need from Academics”

Aspen Center for Human Development

Aspen Center for Human Development

PO Box 8878 Aspen, CO 81612
E: info@aspenchd.org
T: 970.948.9190
F: 970.544.9797

[1] Stanford Graduate School of Business Center for Leadership Development and Research, 2013 Executive Coaching Survey. (found at: https://www.gsb.stanford.edu/sites/default/files/2013-ExecutiveCoachingSurvey.pdf)
[2] Ibid.

[1] Howe, W., and Freeman, F. (1997) “Leadership Education in American Colleges and Universities: An Overview.” Concepts and Connections: 5-7